Creat and Craft TV – Again!

Where to begin?  This has been a crazy week, but I have good news for you I hope. You are going to need to tune in for the next Create and Craft Show featuring Friendly Plastic and Me this Sunday 10th October 2010 at 10am. Not much notice I know, hence the general level of panic in the household as there are loads of things happening as well this week.

I will be presenting some of the things you have seen before plus some new kits. The new kits are based around my Patchwork technique and are full of ideas and inspiration for making different items of jewellery. The kits are called Summer Skies, Firelight and Opera and each contains different colours so there should be something there for everyone.   

Summer Skies



You can watch Create and Craft TV on line at, or on Sky TV 671, Freeview 36, and Freesat 813

 The Friendly Plastic show will be repeated on Create and Craft, but the exact timing of that is a tad unpredictable, so you will need to keep an eye on their schedule and see when it is planned for. As I post this, the first re-run is scheduled for 9pm on Sunday evening.

 As this week is turning out to be ludicrously busy, I have not got too much time to worry about the TV show, I need to take care of tomorrow first. We are putting up the first DOT (Designs On Textiles) Exhibition entitled Consequences and that will probably take all day to do. For full details of the exhibition see previous post.

On top of that, I have had the great pleasure of being host to Linda Peterson from the USA. Linda runs the Art Of Friendly Plastic blog and she freelances for AMACO who make Friendly Plastic. Linda is in the process of writing another book (not on FP) about metal jewellery, and she showed me some of the work that will be in it. It looks very exciting and wonderfully quirky. Linda and I had a ball getting stuck in to creating and experimenting in my studio. Thank goodness she was not put off by the state of everything here (building work continues), and we were lucky enough to only lose the water supply for a short while and not have all the electricity turned off as well. Next week I will try and post some more about Linda’s visit, but for now I need to sign off and get a move on with preparing stuff for putting up the exhibition, as well as organising myself for Sundays TV show.