Friendly Plastic Flowers and Jewel Enamel Tubes

Designer Inspiration Show Tuesday 25th February

Working on my pieces for the show

Working on my pieces for the show

I am having enormous fun preparing my samples for my next Designer Inspiration show on Jewellery Maker TV on Tuesday afternoon.  In fact, so much fun, I nearly forgot to tell you all about it.  

Debbie Kershaw’s stunning Friendly Plastic flowers on the front of Making Jewellery magazine this month inspired me to make my own beautiful blooms, and show you some variations on the theme.  So do watch on Tuesday from 12 – 4 pm.  Apparently, they are having a Mix it Up Tuesday, so there is some crossover between the shows.  Means I get to go home earlier!

If you fancy a bit of Jewel Enamels, then I am taking a very different tack for this demo, not in the least bit floral.  In fact, it is quite contemporary, and involves tubes of all sorts.  Dig out your husband’s / father’s pipe cutter, or smile sweetly at the plumber, and cut yourself some metal tubes from old central heating piping, or anything else you can find.  Drinking straws and old acetate all come into play too.  I can’t wait to show you what I have been doing.

But as you can tell from the mess that is my work table, I have a lot of clearing up to do, and there is absolutely no way I am going to show you the state of the rest of my studio!

Class Reminder

Just a quick reminder, there are still a couple of places left on my Medieval Jewellery in Modern Materials class at Rufford Craft Centre, Notts on April 12th, but the spaces are limited, so if you are interested, then you had better be quick.  I can send you a list of local accommodation if you need it, along with the booking details.  You can email me, or send a message via Facebook, or leave a comment on the blog and I will find it.