In Print Again with Friendly Plastic and Ooozing

I have some exciting news, well, at least I think it is exciting.  I am in print again.  Creative Beads and Jewellery magazine have just published issue 23 (which you now have to rush out and buy) and I have 5 pages of projects in it – yes 5 whole pages – thank you Anna (Editor of CBJ).  In those 5 pages you will find three detailed projects to make necklaces and earrings

The projects are all based around my Oooze technique, and feature some of the Metal Oooze Motifs and Bubble Ribbon Mesh as well.  They all involve different aspects of Ooozing, and are quick and easy to do.

There are step by step pictures to show you how to make the jewellery with tips to help you along the way.

This is the partially ooozed heart pendant I called Lavender Blue and it involves a bit of wire bashing to work out any aggression or frustrations – a very important thing when you have just knocked a load of beads all over the floor, again!

It was made using some Bubble Mesh Ribbon to give the fabulous uneven texture.

The necklace for the next project uses the Large Leaf  Oooze Motifs.

I loved making this necklace as each leaf turned out differently. The bought beads enhance the Friendly Plastic work.

The final project was some little heart shaped earrings using the pretty little Heart Flower Oooze Motifs below.

They are fixed back to back so they give a really nice professional finish without any of the usual worries about how to finish the back off.

I hope you find lots of other interesting things in Creative Beads and Jewellery, it is a very good magazine for anyone interested in trying out different jewellery making techniques, and I am not just saying that because of the article despite what you cynical lot think!

If you love Ooozing, then check out these posts:

Click Here

Or Here

Or Here

Or Here

and Here

and here

and a bit more here too

Fingers crossed for a week that is not a wash out, again.